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World Health Organization (WHO)

Chua En Jia (Jane) (2).jpg

Head Chair
En Jia Chua (Jane)

Hi everyone, I’m En Jia Chua (Jane) from Sri Kuala Lumpur International School. I’m extremely thrilled to be the Head Chair for WHO in MYMUN XIX 2025 and meet new delegates from different schools. WHO is the council where I won my first award back in 2023, which makes me quite pleased to be given the opportunity to see delegates to debate on healthcare topics once again. Don’t be afraid to consult your chairs if you have any questions! Asides that, my personal favorite council would be the CRISIS committee ;) WHO comes close at 2nd.

I hope to see all the delegates soon!

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Deputy Chair 
Shashmietha Vijayesvaran

Hello, My name is Shashmietha Vijayesvaran, but I prefer to be called as Shash. I’m 14 years old and currently studying at Sri Aman girl’s high school. It is truly an honor to be your co-chair for the WHO Council at MKISMUN. While my picture might make me look a bit serious, don’t worry—I’m really not. This is my first experience chairing, and although I’m fairly new to MUN, I’ve developed a deep passion for international diplomacy, especially when it comes to health issues that affect people worldwide. Apart from MUN, I’m an avid track and field enthusiast, spending much of my time running or training at the gym. Well, at MKISMUN, what I'm really looking forward to is meeting new people, creating memories that will last a lifetime, and doing my part in the most interesting, lively conference. Let’s make this MUN experience one for the books!

Committee Topics

  1. Addressing the Disparities in Vaccine Availability for Developing Nations
  2. Ensuring Equal Access to Modern Healthcare Globally 
  3. Tackling the Global Obesity Epidemic
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